Hinoky has retired from leadership because he has very much work for his last year in university.So im clanleader again.We have our first ctf war upcoming in 2 weeks.this means everyone that wants to play in it has to be in the 2 last trainings before the war.Yatzoo and me r now in the belgian 2on2 ladder too. We will have 2 2on2 teams in ET this weak.an A and a B team.the first 4 members in our clan tournament are the A team, the rest is the B team.Later we will grow the A team to half of ET.Busta has left the clan. He didnt tell us exactly why but he apologizes to all of us and will visit us whenever he's online.(you'd better ,buster!)We have 2 new members aswell.Boozedmac and DarkAngel.Boozedmac is trainee for the moment, and DarkAngel comes specifically for our ctf team.Once the ctf team played wars, and we play as a real team i will resign as ctf captain, and start with getting our 4on4 TDM team out of hybernation.So more wars coming up!Also, as leader i need some help too.Normally CTHULHU is my co-leader,i'll get back to that when i talked to him bout that. But anyone could help me out alot by taking the responsibility for being wararranger.This means u deal with our challenges on cb and make sure the players that has to be there really are there too. Its alot of work, but this is the coolest function in a clan. So anyone that wanna try this mail me plz.this is how we look now:
The ctf team is ready, trainings are on mondays at thursdays.We wont be playing wars untill the tactics work perfectly!Yatzoo is no longer trainee.He became better in record time and has beaten me on agony.Hinoky is working on our multiple 2on2 teams as we speak.If u want to play 2on2, mail him to tell maps and with who.Yatzoo has raised 1 rank this week in our clan tournament,Noesc was challenged but didnt play, that is a forfait.Remember we have 1 week to play when challenged, then forfait.Everybody check clanbase to set availebilitys for our trainings!We have first class servers reserved for that ;)
We welcome our newest member Yatzoo to our clan.He's a big UT fan and always ready to play.Momentarely he's my personal trainee, but it looks like he's getting better very fast.Im the new ctf captain now, we r getting the team together a.s.a.p and the trainings will start very soon.most of us have battlecom already now, the ones that dont, ask one of us that have it to send you.Hinoky is looking into the 2on2 teams, so it looks like ET is gonna be very bussy soon, ya better start practicing ;)I dont like our personal pages' layout.EVERYBODY mail me suggestions to make them better plz.remember to check out the tournament page to see the changes in rank every week. |
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