

No matter what you do in ET,you must have fun.ET is not one of those clans with die-hard rules.

Always be sportive.We dont like lamers that start whining and insulting opponents when they lose a game.

Members cannot beat the leader.If they are about to do so they must go to the toilet or telephone somebody for 10 minutes while still connecting.

Members must pay the webmaster 50$ every month and think of him as the next best GOD.

We dont accept recruits under the age of 6.Experience learns us that they are very mean to play with.

If someone has a problem in ET or has suggestions about the website or clanrules,he contacts his mother.

All members must own a sense of humor.If you laughed,chuckled or grinned reading all this, you are accepteble.If you didn't even felt the urge to smile, your sense of humor is too high for us and we will probably never understand you.






